The Benefits of Our Amazing NEW Multipurpose Salves

The Benefits of Our Amazing NEW Multipurpose Salves

Over the past few months, we’ve been celebrating a lot of firsts here in the Soap House. Whimsical holiday labels, limited edition holiday scents, and plenty of cool new merch have created a sense of excitement here on the farm that’s been driving us forward to do more for our customers. 

At Bend Soap Company, we’re passionate about creating products that are a natural alternative to products that we typically use but have found to not be completely natural. We want everyone to be able to toss the toxins in their home and make the switch to using natural, clean, and effective skincare products that work just as hard without any of the toxic mess. That’s why today, we’re extremely excited to welcome an entirely new product line to the shop. Introducing our NEW salves: Defender Salve, Breathe Well Salve, and Soothing Salve.

Defender Salve

If you already love lathering up with your All Shield Goat Milk Soap or soaking in a warm bath infused with a few handfuls of All Shield Milk Bath, the Defender Salve has your name on it! Made with a similar blend of essential oils found in our All Shield products — with the added benefits of frankincense essential oil — this restorative balm is the perfect antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory defense to soothe skin and encourage healing all at the same time.

Defender Salve - Bend Soap Company

Marilee, Co-Founder of Bend Soap Company, loves using a thin layer of this salve in place of Neosporin or antibacterial ointments for typical “owies” and skin that’s in need of disinfection or protection against germs and bacteria. Whether you swipe it on before applying a bandage or apply it to the skin all by itself, ensure that the skin is clean and free of any dirt or debris before use to see optimum benefits with use. 

Use this versatile salve a number of different ways:

  • Use in place of antibacterial ointments, creams, and topical treatments 
  • Prevent itching from bug bites
  • Apply to nicks, cuts, scrapes, and burns
  • Dab onto healing blemishes on your face, back, and body to speed up recovery time
  • Apply to growing bellies to help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy

Breathe Well Salve

Aromatic eucalyptus essential oil is the star ingredient in our Breathe Well Salve as it lends its benefits in promoting deeper breathing for all ages. Apply to the chest, back, or right under the nose to support a restful night’s sleep when feeling under the weather.

Breathe Well Salve - Bend Soap Company

Marilee has tested this salve out as a natural alternative to the common vapor rub products and decongestant oils we see in stores and loves how effective it is. With a more effective, non-greasy application compared to other vapor rub products on the market and made with 100% all-natural ingredients, the Breathe Well Salve might just become a new staple in your home, especially during cold and flu season.

Here’s how to use the Breathe Well Salve

  • Rub onto chests, backs, or under the nose
  • Apply liberally to tender noses that are chapped from constant blowing

Soothing Salve

Free of essential oils and natural scent, the multipurpose Soothing Salve was formulated with all of your sensitive skin woes in mind. One layer will moisturize, soothe, repair, and protect all types of skin from eczema and psoriasis to skin that’s dry, chafed, and downright irritated.

Soothing Salve - Bend Soap Company

Because there are zero drying ingredients or essential oils in our salve (an ingredient that, for some people, can actually dry out the skin and cause further irritation), you won’t feel like you need to reapply it multiple times throughout the day. Whether you have delicate skin and are sensitive to even the slightest hint of essential oils, gluten, or steroids, or if you just prefer to go scent-free, this salve is for you! 

Here are a few ways you’ll love using the Soothing Salve:

  • Hydrate cracked cuticles
  • Give dry heels, knees, and elbows a surge of moisture
  • Soothe chapped or chafed skin⁣⁠⠀
  • Give new life to cracked lips⁣⁠⠀
  • Use as a nourishing base before applying long-wear lipsticks 
  • Help heal new tattoos (or brighten up old ones!)
  • Apply to chapped nipples while breastfeeding

So, What Makes Bend Soap Company Salve Different?

As with all of our products, the difference is in the quality of the ingredients we use and our commitment to using ingredients that we know provide optimal benefits to the skin. Here are a few of our favorite details to know about these salves. 

Creamy Consistency

One of the top features we were looking to capture with these salves was an end product that wasn’t sticky or greasy and would glide onto the skin easily. We’re happy to share that all of these salves have a thick, creamy consistency that melts into a nourishing oil when applied to the skin. We recommend that you give the salve a few minutes to dry after applying it to your skin — this will allow the oils to fully absorb into your skin and give you a more effective application with each use.

New, Larger Size

You’ll be happy to know that we’ve opted for a slightly larger, 2-ounce size tin for all of our salves. This size slips easily into your purse, bag, backpack, diaper bag, or anywhere else you want to bring along your salve. 

100% All-Natural Ingredients

These multipurpose salves aren’t just effective, they’re also made with a blend of simple, safe, all-natural ingredients that are easy to read and understand. No need to call poison control if you spot the dog, cat, or your kiddo going in for a quick taste — all of the ingredients are plant-based so while we don’t encourage enjoying it as your next snack, you can have peace of mind knowing that there are zero harmful ingredients inside. 

Here are the main ingredients you’ll find in all of our salves:

  • Beeswax
  • Non-GMO Coconut Oil
  • Chamomile Extract
  • Calendula Extract
  • Cocoa Butter
  • Shea Butter
  • Arrowroot Powder

That’s it! You’ll also find a touch of steam-distilled essential oils to all of our salves except for the Soothing Salve which is 100% free of essential oils and natural scent. 

And in case you were wondering, here’s what we left out:

  • Petroleum
  • Mineral oils
  • Alcohols
  • Artificial fragrances
  • Zinc oxide
  • Chemicals
  • Lanolin
  • Added colors and dyes
  • Preservatives
  • Gluten, dairy & wheat
  • Parabens
  • Sulfates
  • Silicone
  • Phthalates

Tips for Storing

Because of their low melting point, we recommend that you store your salve in a cool, dry place and always ensure the lid is placed on tight to avoid melting. If you find that your salve has melted, simply place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes to help it harden and go on your way! Our salves won’t leave a greasy mess on your clothes but if they do come in contact with fabrics, we can assure you that our salve formula comes out in the wash with minimal effort.

Back to You

After months of product formulation, testing, and quality assurance, we’re confident that you will love using these salves as much as we do and enjoy finding new ways to use them in your household. Order one or stock up on all four to start enjoying nourishing skincare products that are simple, effective, and safe for your entire family.

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    My husband has trouble with dandruff. He has a beard and I was wondering why you recommend.

    Kim G

    Life has taken a couple of swings lately, so I took a good swing back!
    I had breast cancer, resulting in a double mastectomy. Then I needed a corrective repair surgery. My skin was traumatized beyond belief.
    I looked on line and found your site. I chose to try the defender salve, as I was also fighting an infection at the surgical site.
    This was a great decision! My skin is smoother, brighter and healthier than it’s been in 6 months.
    Thank you for making such a terrific product!

    Marilyn Lee

    I love the salve but find it very hard to get lid off. The first time is easy, after that, the lid is “greasy” from putting it back on after using and very difficult to remove, usually “flies” out of my hands. Is there a way to use a lid that screws on, instead of trying to pry it off after first use.

    Sharon Hsines

    I am desperately seeking help to treat plaque psoriasis of the scalp. I am unable to take prescription medications for this condition due to risks of kidney damage. Is there a goat’s milk shampoo or other goat’s milk product to use on the scalp?

    Suzanne Trotti

    What is your answer to the lady that asked about the rosacea? What product did you recommend to her?

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